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High Consistency Refiner

High Consistency Refiner for paper application

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During the high-consistency refining process, the fiber rubbing effect can greatly reduce dustiness of the finished paper.

In the process of high-consistency refining, a large amount of fiber splitting occurs, which increases the number of hydrogen bonds between fibers, improves the strength of the paper, and reduces usage of wet strength agent

The high-consistency refining can soften the fibers by rubbing the fibers, improve the softness of the paper, obtain a good surface smoothness and reduce softener chemical usage;

High-consistency refining can make paper obtain better bulk and absorbency by generating kink and curling of fibers;

High-consistency refining can obtain strength, softness and less dust at lower beating degrees than low-consistency refining, resulting in better slurry and drainage performance, resulting in Increase the speed of the paper machine and increase the production capacity.

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The refining process is recognized as the "heart" of the papermaking process. Fiber binding properties, paper strength, and other properties which depend on the quality of the pulp produced by the refining process. One of the important elements that determines the refining
effect is to choose the right plates. For the same refining strength and refining energy, different tooth shapes will result different fiber treatment effects.
No-Hollow Grinding Plates invented by Genda are specially developed for medium or high consistency pulp. We specially developed a series of tooth shapes for medium and high consistency refining to adapt to different pulps.
The No-Hollow Grinding Theory refers to the research conclusions of an empty grinding phenomenon due to the different thicknesses of the surface layer of conventional grinding plates.
When pulp enters the tooth gap from a small radius in the grinding disc and moves to a large radius, pulp layer keeps getting thinner from the inside to the outside. The phenomenon of empty
grinding occurred. The larger the radius of the grinding disc, the more serious the empty grinding of the tooth surface, which reduces the efficiency of the grinding.
Our patented grinding disc is based on the research on the phenomenon of empty grinding, using the principle of fluid dynamics, we have designed a tooth structure of the grinding disc to prevent the phenomenon of empty grinding, In this way, the thickness of the pulp layer on the entire disk surface is consistent during refining, which greatly improves the refining efficiency.

Tissue paper


Core Board

Container Board

Kraft line

Sack Kraft

Packaging Paper

CTMP, Mechanical Pulp & Semi-chemical Pulp

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