
Hunan Genda Fiber Science Mechanical Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. HOME > PRODUCTS >High Consistency Refiner for CTMP, Mechanical & Semi-chemical pulp

High Consistency Refiner

High Consistency Refiner for CTMP, Mechanical & Semi-chemical pulp

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  • High temperature & pressure refiner, design pressure 10bar
  • Steam recovery, energy saving
  • Double mechanical seal
  • Tilting pad high thrust sliding bearing, hydraulic advance and retreat
  • Specially designed belt feed screw
  • The segmented design of the refining disc saves operating costs
  • Prevent grinding chamber wear, multiple protection functions
  • C-GAP constant gap control system, the control accuracy is ±0.01mm
  • Remote diagnosis and monitoring of refiner operating status

  • Equipment is introduced
  • Scope of application
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Thrust bearing: tilting pad thrust plain bearing 50T maximum thrus.

Built-in hydraulic cylinder design, forward and retract smoothly.

The grinding shell is integrally cast in stainless steel.

Wear-resistant ring (replaceable) is designed in the grinding shell.

Grinding cover 150mm thick steel plate lined with stainless steel.

The spinning wheel is cast with high-strength wear-resistant stainless steel.

Specially designed separator wheel

Uniform pulp separation and large output

Quickly open, grinding disc. easy changing

Belt + plate design, eliminate blockage

Stable material delivery volume

High elastic rubber antiaging oil-proof and waterproof

Built-in steel plate, large bearing capacity

Balance load and counteract the shock and vibration

Chemi-ThermoMechanical Pulp (CTMP)

Mechanical Pulp

Semi-Chemical Pulp

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