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HC Refining system set

High Consistency Refining System

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Advantage of High-consistency refining system set:

  • The system equipment is selected and matched in a unified way, reducing the barriers of technology exchange between multiple manufacturers in the early stage;
  • The technical connection between multiple equipment in the system is smooth to ensure the highest reliability;
  • Numerous successful cases provide experience reference for optimal system layout and process control;
  • One-step overall debugging can maximize efficiency;
  • Control system integration, one-key process parameter setting;
  • Equipment is introduced
  • Scope of application
  • parameter

HC Refining Automatic Control System


1.All control point of the equipment  is controlled by Start-up/Shut-down with One Key.
2.It can efficiently monitor the equipment working condition of the HC refining system. When the situation occurs like no cooling water, no lubricating oil, no hydraulic oil, over-high lubricating oil temperature, refining machine vibration exceed standard, rotating member stall, press wire off tracking, or headbox overflow etc, system will automatically alarm or stop machine, it can effectively protect equipment;
3.When the refining machine is lack of pulp, it will automatically judge, and then control hydraulic system to retract. It will effectively protect disks.
4.It can judge disks wear degree. When disks wear to designed extent, system will warn to change disks.
5.When the equipment stop, control system will automatically feed and wash disks, sufficiently wash the pulp out of the grooves, so that guarantee the refining effect.  
6.Control system completely record the operation variation during HC refining working, provide data for future process analysis.
7.According to  the output variation, system will automatically adjust each working parameters by the schedule of process program .
8.System has extended function, it can control pump to start and stop according to system’ needs. It also can access coherent signal of DCS, and integrally control and monitor the related device of our system, and then show on the LCD.

The Advantages of HC Refining System Combination
1.Help equipment in system to match with each other, eliminate technological exchange barriers from company to company in early stage;
2.Guarantees the highest reliability operation;
3.Provide experience for system reasonable layout and process control by many successful cases ;
4. increase the debugging efficiency extremely by one-step integrated debugging ;
5. Integrated control system, and one-button process parameter settings.

Integrated control: Simple Start/stop of all control points of each equipment. System Can realize the control before and after refining, and access the relevant signals from the DCS system. Screen integrated the centralized control and monitoring of the upstream and downstream equipment of the refining system;
Intelligent monitoring: Can effectively monitor status of all equipment in the HC refining system. When the equipment lacks cooling water, lubricating oil and hydraulic oil, high temperature, exceeding vibration, rotating parts malfunction, etc., the system can automatically alarm or stop to achieve effective protection of the equipment;
Data recording: Record the parameter changes of the high-consistency refining system during the working process, and provide data for future process analysis.
Automatic cleaning: Automatic feeding and flushing of the grinding discs when equipment is shut down, and fully flush the pulp between the teeth gaps to ensure the refining effect.
Automatic adjustment: Automatically detection of shortage of material in the refiner during operation, and effectively protect the grinding disc.
Gap detection: Clear detection of the refining gap, and the control accuracy is 0.01mm.

Main Equipment 
1.High Consistency Refiner  
2.Belt-press thickener/Dual Drum concentration machine/Press thickener
3.Dispensing and Conveying Screw
4. System control cabinet & DCS

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