
Hunan Genda Fiber Science Mechanical Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. HOME > PRODUCTS >Dual-Drum thickener

Pulp Thickener

Dual-Drum thickener

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During operation, pulp concentration of 4-6% enters the drum from two pulp inlets, and the height of the inlet liquid surface does not exceed the radius of the circular mesh drum.

The pulp inlet flow rate is consistent. Start the main motor, and the driving mesh drum and the driven circular mesh cage rotate in opposite directions synchronously.

Since the water outlet is set below the main shaft of the mesh drum, the water level inside the drum is low, so after the pulp enters the inside of the drum, a part of the liquid enters the mesh from outside by itself due to the existence of pressure difference and gravity, to achieve the effect of initial concentration.

Pulp continues to enter the pressing area upwards. After being squeezed by the two circular mesh drum, most of the liquid enters the drum. Pressed concentrated pulp is stick to the outside of the drum, then transfer to driving drum and delivered outside.

The peeling roller scrapes off the thick pulp on the driving circular mesh drum, and the scraped thick pulp falls on the discharge chute and slides into the bulk material screw feeder below. The conveying reducer drives the feeding screw to rotate to transport the thick pulp to the outlet.

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The structure is a simplified version of the twin-roll press, more cost effective;

Small footprint, good sealing, better on-site integration;

Simple structure, 0 maintenance, low energy consumption, energy consumption per ton of pulp is 3 kWh;

Stainless steel mesh, service interval can reach more than 2 years;

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