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Genda Special Grinding Plate/disc

Grinding Plates for grain & cereals

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When pulp get into the plate from the small radii and go to the large radii direction (the perimeter increases too), the pulp will get thinner and thinner. This will make some part of the plate do not have pulp working on it. That is Hollow Grinding. The big the radii, the more serious of hollow grinding would be. This will reduce the efficiency of grinding. Based on the above research and principle of fluid dynamics, we design an innovative plate with new structure of devil tooth to avoid the hollow grinding. The patented design can make the whole plate get the same thickness pulp, and so the efficiency of grinding is improved greatly.

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The non-hollow grinding plate improves the structure of normal plate and make the same thickness of pulp between plates. It can increase the efficiency of grinding up to 20-40%. As no overcutting of the fibers, it can reduce the loss of fiber, increase the yield of pulp and enhance the tension of paper. With this innovative and patented plate, pulp can get 8-12times cutting in one machine, and its freeness being increased by one machine is much higher. Moreover, the flow of pulp and its uniformity are improved a lot. We design the obtuse-angle grinding and “pumping-out” devil tooth especially for the high consistency grinding plate. At last, our patented plate has good performance in its service life and environment protection. 

Grinding Plates for grain & cereals and other plant fibers

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